Today’s Digest 17. April 2013
News von Heute
- China invites bird flu expertsDoctors say the discovery of a 4-year-old carrier of the H7N9 bird flu virus who shows no symptoms of the potentially lethal virus is a worrying development that could make the spread of the infection more difficult to monitor.
- American Airlines back online after computer glitchAmerican Airlines restored access to its American Airlines restored access to its reservation system on Tuesday afternoon after a reservation system on Tuesday afternoon after a four-hour long outage that grounded its flights four-hour long outage that grounded its flights across the U.S. across the U.S.
- Hotels Near Blast Zone Served as Safe HavenThe bombings Monday at the finish line of the Boston Marathon transformed a cluster of the city’s hotels into centers of refuge—and crime scenes—during one of their busiest nights of the year.
- Computerfehler: American Airlines kann nicht fliegenEine solche Panne kann sich American Airlines gerade nicht leisten: Weil das Buchungssystem Probleme machte, mussten Maschinen über Stunden am Boden bleiben. Dabei bereitet die insolvente Firma gerade ihren Neustart vor.
- The Boston Marathon Investigation Will Be CrowdsourcedThe investigation of Monday’s deadly twin bombings in Boston will rely to an extraordinary extent on crowdsourced surveillance, provided by Marathon spectators’ cellphone photos, Vine videos, and Instagram feeds.
- American Airlines flights grounded by glitchThousands of passengers stranded at airports and on Thousands of passengers stranded at airports and on planes after computer system failure grounds all flights planes after computer system failure grounds all flights across US. across US.
- Security tight for Thatcher funeralA security operation involving more than 4,000 police officers is getting under way for the funeral of former UK Prime Minister Baroness Thatcher.
- Keine Post am MittwochViele Menschen im Rhein-Main-Gebiet und in Südhessen werden am Mittwoch vergebens auf Briefe oder Pakete warten. Briefträger und Paketboten wollen streiken, hunderttausende Sendungen sollen liegen bleiben.
- How The Terrifying New Bird Flu Is Spreading Across ChinaThe death toll from a new strain of bird flu influenza virus, H7N9, continues to rise. As of April 15, the World Health Organization (WHO) has reported 60 confirmed cases of patients infected with H7N9, 13 of whom have died.
- Businesses now spending more time on business strategy and risk managementSmall and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have undertaken the biggest risk-management behaviour shift in a generation, with 53 per cent spending more time on their business strategy and risk management than they did before the financial crisis, according to a study by Zurich.
- Startverbot für alle American Airlines Flugzeuge nach ComputerausfallNach einem Computerfehler im Reservierungssystem hat die amerikanische Flugaufsichtsbehörde FAA ein landesweites Startverbot für alle American Airlines-Flüge angeordnet. American Airlines informiert über twitter und Homepage die Passagiere über den Totalausfall. Ähnliche BeiträgeAmerican Airlines: Lose Sitze zwingen Flugzeuge zu…American Airlines kämpft mit losen Sitzen in den FlugzeugenAmerican Airlines to fix seats in 757s…American Airlines kämpft […]
- Boston Marathon Explosions: Giving Emergency Treatment to Casualties | TIME.comEric Feins, a 32-year-old surgical resident at Massachusetts General Hospital, had been excited to spend his day off taking in the Boston Marathon from a roof party along the route where he had gathered with four fellow residents. But after the group witnessed the explosion and the smoke began to clear, they quickly came to the grim realization that their skills might soon be in short supply.
- Hamburgs Marathon-Chef: Kein erhöhtes Risiko15.000 Läufer wollen am Sonntag in Hamburg beim Marathon starten – kurz nach dem Bombenanschlag in Boston. Der Veranstalter sieht keine Gefahr für Läufer und Besucher.
- Today’s Digest 16. April 2013News von Heute Anschlag bei Boston-Marathon: Experten tippen auf Schießpulver-Bomben – SPIEGEL ONLINE Wie waren die Bomben von Boston konstruiert? Die Analyse der Videoaufnahmen lässt erste Rückschlüsse auf die Sprengsätze zu. Sollten sie zutreffen, wäre im Handel verfügbarer Explosivstoff verwendet worden – was die Ermittler vor Probleme stellen könnte. Naturkatastrophe : Dutzende Tote bei schwerem […]