BCAW 2013 Tag 5

Die Business Continuity Awareness Week geht am heutigen Freitag mit einem umfangreichen Programm an Webinaren in den Endspurt:

Sensible ICT Protection and Recovery Methods
Bradley Janse van Rensburg – Solutions Design Manager, ContinuitySA
Overwhelmed by the muddle of conflicting technology terms, jargon, buzzwords and misinformation, CIOs and IT Managers are finding it increasingly difficult to objectively compare the different ICT Protection and Recovery Methods available to them and pick an approach that both matches their existing requirements and empowers their long-term strategy. In this webinar we clarify the difference between High Availability, Replication, Backup and Archiving and give a recommended approach to entrench resilience into your ICT systems and your business.

March 22 2013 11:00 am GMT


Practice makes perfect: using scenarios to exercise your BC capability
Andy Osborne, Business Continuity Consultant, Clearview-Continuity
Exercising and testing is a key part of the business continuity management lifecycle. A well-planned, well-run scenario-based exercise can help us to validate assumptions, identify gaps in our plans, exercise key players and develop our business continuity capability. In this webinar Andy Osborne, who has prepared and facilitated dozens of scenario-based exercises for his clients, shares his experience and provides some practical hints and tips for making your scenario-based exercises successful.

March 22 2013 1:00 pm GMT


Why you need a mobile strategy for business continuity
Abbas Haider Ali, VP and Technology Evangelist, xMatters, inc.       
The freedom of mobile technologies has changed the way people work, but the reality of the evolving workplace is that employees are more dispersed than ever.  Employees today rely on mobile devices for business communication.  In this webinar we’ll discuss why a mobile strategy needs to be included in business continuity planning, crisis management and incident management.  We’ll cover best practices for  critical communications in the enterprise and the benefits of accessing and initiating plans from mobile devices.  

March 2 2013 3:00 pm GMT


Supply Chain Resilience:  is it getting better?
Lee Glendon CBCI, Head of Research & Advocacy, BCI     
The BCI and its partners have been conducting research into supply chain resilience for more than four years.  This presentation will consider the leading causes of disruption, their financial cost, the trend for disruption, the impact of disruption along with some examples, and steps that companies can take to build resilience in the supply chain.

March 22 2013 4:00 pm GMT


Ways in which Sandy Surprised Us
Dr Nader Mehravari, David White, Senior Researchers, CERT Cyber Resilience Center, Carnegie Mellon SEI     
The powerful tropical cyclone Sandy ravaged segments of  the Caribbean, the mid-Atlantic and northeastern United States, and eastern Canada during the period of October 22-31, 2012. Although much advance notice was given, the direct and indirect impacts of Sandy took us by surprise in many ways. This presentation shares key observations from Sandy from the perspective of preparedness planning community; points out the ways in which Sandy surprised us and discusses whether traditional preparedness planning tools, techniques, and methods are sufficient to plan and deal with such events.

March 22 2013 5:00 pm GMT


If you missed any of the previous webinars, you can catch up on them here

BCAW 2013 Tag 4

Auch heute gibt es wieder ein interessantes und abwechslungsreiches Programm im Rahmen der Business Continuity Awareness Week 2013. Diese Webinare warten heute auf Sie. Auch die bereits gelaufenen Webinare stehen Ihnen weiterhin zur Verfügung.

Vision Therapy – helping you to see more risks
Ken Simpson, Director, The VR Group Pty Ltd
When our risk vision is defective we often do little about it, too often we cry “Black Swan” – nobody could have seen that coming! There are risks we can see, and some we could see if we only looked, or had better vision.
This webinar will explore three techniques/exercises that you can use to improve and sharpen your “risk vision”.

March 21 2013 9:30 am GMT


Cyber Threats & Cyber 
Brendan Byrne – Associate Partner Security & Privacy, IBM Security Services, IBM UK Ltd
The presentation looks at the challenges and trends that companies and IBM have seen in recent years in relation to Information security.  The material looks at what the industry saw in 2012 and what companies need to consider in 2013. Brendan Byrne is the IBM Security Services Consulting and Systems Integration Leader for the UK and Ireland. 
Brendan has been an information security professional for more than 18 years. 

March 21 2013 11:00 am GMT


Standards:  Can you have too much of a good thing?
Professor Edward Borodzicz, Andy Mason MBCI, Hugh Leighton MBCI and Lyndon Bird FBCI (moderator)
Are standards a good thing?  Who are they for?  These and other questions will be debated in a lively panel discussion where the audience will be invited to join the debate.

March 21 2013 1:00 pm GMT


Involving Customers in Business Continuity Exercises
Luc Albrecht, Strategic Programmes & Business Continuity, SWIFT, SCRL       
SWIFT has implemented a resilience that addresses the expectations of its customers. Involving customer community  in disaster recovery exercise is essential  to demonstrate that business continuity and recovery plans from all the parties are working effectively. With this webinar, Luc shares SWIFT’s experiences in preparing and running  such exercises.

March 21 2013 3:00 pm GMT


Check out the full webinar schedule here

BCAW 2013 Tag 3

Die Business Continuity Awareness Week geht nach furiosem Start in Tag 3. Der Good Practice Guide 2013 ist enthüllt und hat uns einen etwas neu gestalteten BCM Lifecycle offenbart sowie zahlreiche Aktualisierungen und Überarbeitungen. Die bereits gelaufenen Webinare stehen weiter zur Ansicht zur Verfügung, für Alle, die es nicht geschafft haben teilzunehmen.

Auch an Tag 3 gibt es wieder interessante Webinare:

  • Using ISO 22301 to build resilient suppy chains
  • Why a ‘healthcheck’ of your IT systems should be a core part of your BC
  • What makes a good Business Continuity Plan?
  • A Winning Combination:  The 3Cs of Business Continuity

Ausserdem läuft noch das BC24 Game.

Über das BCAW 2013-Logo bei den Premium-Sponsoren geht´s zur Registrierung.


BCAW 2013 Dienstag 19. März


Business Continuity: for the risks you can see and the ones you can’t.


Business Continuity Awareness Week 2013

BCAW Webinars Tuesday, 19th March 2013 – DAY TWO
Not too late to register!
Introducing ISO 22301-2012, The New Global Standard
Lorna Anderson, Global Business Continuity Product Technical Manager, BSI
May 2012 saw the publication of a new global standard for business continuity management systems, ISO 22301.  Lorna Anderson, Technical Expert and Global Business Continuity Product Technical Manager introduces the internationally recognized standard and identifies how it differs to its predecessor BS25999-2:2007, including outlining some practical steps to help organizations with the transition from the BS to the ISO.

March19 2013 9:00 am GMT


Enterprise migration and adoption of cloud
Shaheen Kalla – Manager: Managed Services, ContinuitySA
Analysing the factors which promote migration to cloud based solutions and environments which are best suited for cloud, the webinar will talk around the migration plan for corporates into cloud services and which factors to consider when considering cloud-based solutions, including the various steps along the way and the potential pitfalls.

March 19 2013 11:00 am GMT


Product Recall – Is there horse DNA in your burger?
Dr Paul Robertson MBCI, Director, Crisis Leadership, PwC
This webinar discusses how to manage reputational risk and how to protect your corporate brand and image when faced with the necessity of having to recall a product.  Building on the recent horse meat scandal that has hit the headlines all around the globe, Dr Paul Robertson talks about effective reputational risk management and provides some practical insights on how to mitigate the risks to your business.

March 19 2013 1:00 pm GMT


Check out the full webinar schedule here

Have you played the BC24 game yet?
Over 900 teams now competing! Are you one of them? Free access to this highly-acclaimed online crisis simulation game available until 22nd March – still time to enter your team and get to the top of the leader board!!  Highly competitive; great fun; fantastic exercising tool to test your staff’s BC skills.

Start playing today here

See who’s at the top of the leader board here

PwC - 2013 Sponsor of BC24
BC24 sponsored by PwC
Do you know if there are any BCAW events taking place in your region?
Check out what’s happening on DAY TWO of BCAW near you
BCAW 2013 Event: Business Continuity in the next decade – the risks we know and those emerging
Date: 19th March 2013; 14:30 to 16:30 
Organised by: Continuity Forum in partnership with the Australasian BCI Chapter
For more information and to register click here

BCAW 2013 Breakfast Event: ISO 22301 Talk
Date: 19th March 2013
Venue: Somerset West, Cape Town, SA
Organised by: Continuity SA
To find out more and to register

BCAW 2013 Event: BCI Kuwait Forum and BCAW 2103 in Kuwait
Date: 19th March 2013 – 6:00 to 9:00 PM
Venue: Swiss Bel Hotel Kuwait
Organised by:  The BCI Kuwait Forum
To find out more >> 

Business Continuity Awareness Week 2013 with Vocal

Join the Vocal team for Flexi-time iModus Notification Training
Sessions available at 10am GMT every morning from March 18th – 22nd.
Click here to book your place, then log on at 10am for the session of your choice next week.

Speak to a Panel of Experts on Vocal’s Daily Discussion Call
The panel will include Vocal’s Technical Director, Sales Support and Delivery Managers who will be on the conference bridge between 4pm and 4.30 pm everyday next week.
Email  Natalie Cooper to request the conference call details

Tweet your ‘Top Continuity Tips’ to Win Theatre Tickets
Simply follow Vocal  and tweet your entry at @vocalltd any time from March 18th – 22nd for a chance to win £100 in theatre ticket vouchers which can be redeemed in leading theatres across the UK!

Find out full details here>>

Check out the full events schedule here

BCAW News, New Releases, Updates
GPG 2013 has now been launched

The latest edition of the Good Practice Guidelines (GPG) was officially launched today. To mark the occasion, Lyndon Bird FBCI and Deborah Higgins MBCI, the editor-in-chief and assistant editor respectively, delivered an insightful webinar that highlighted the key changes to the GPG 2013 and talked attendees through the BCM Lifecycle

The BCM Lifecycle has been amended to better reflect the fact that the objective of the Lifecycle is  to embed Business Continuity into an organization and it is Policy and Programme Management that drive this process.  The GPG 2013 makes a key differentiation between Business Continuity as a discipline that leads to organizational resilience and Business Continuity Management as a process, which is the sum of the activiites that make up good BC practice.

Read the press release more >>

Get your copy of GPG 2013 today >>

If you missed the webinar, catch up on it here >>
The BCAW 2013 tweet-a-thon kicked off with great success

One of the goals we set for this year’s BCAW was to make Business Continuity a real global trend through the initiation of a Tweet-a-Thon that hit the web today with incredible vigour and passion. Although we didn’t quite make it as a trending topic, it was an awe-inspiring moment as tweeters from all around the world came together to get the important BC message out.  Thank you to all of you who were hitting those buttons and tweeting and retweeting until the sun went down! It was great to see how many of you feel the same way as we do about BC!

Keep the fire burning!

New CMI Research Report: Weathering the storm was released

The 2013 Business Continuity Management Survey from the Chartered Management Institute (CMI) sponsored by the BCI and the BSI was released yesterday.

This year’s report focuses on the disruptive impact extreme weather can have on British businesses and begins to put a figure on the cost of such disruptions with a concerning proportion of businesses suffering costs of more than £10,000.  A clear message of this report is that effective Business Continuity planning improved the resilience of businesses that were subject to extreme weather and that having robust plans in place enabled them to recover more quickly, contributing to the improved resilience of their company.


Download the full report here >>

 Enter your BCI Regional Award and become an international BC star!
Click on the relevant logo to find out more
BCI Inaugural European AwardsBCI Middle East Awards 2013BCI Inaugural Australasian Awards
BCI India AwardsBCM World Conference
and Exhibition 2013
Call for Papers
Deadline for submissions:
28th March 2013
BCI Asia Awards 2013
Continuity Magazine Q12013 Read the latest edition hereBCI Global AwardsBCI Annual Lecture 2013

FREE for BCI Members

Register Now

Visit the BCAW website for more information, ideas and resources
Follow us
 Business Continuity Awareness Group led by the BCI The BC Eye Blog@theBCEye

BCAW 2013 – Programm 18. März

Das Prgramm vom 18. März (Quelle: BCI):

Business Continuity: for the risks you can see and the ones you can’t.


Business Continuity Awareness Week 2013 
 BCAW 2013 is launched
Get a taste of what’s to come
The BCAW 2013 tweet-a-thon kicks off at 10:30 GMT on 18th March
Tweet, retweet and tweet again #BCAW2013 and #BusinessContinuity
Make BCAW and BC global trending topics
One of the goals we have set for this year’s BCAW is to make Business Continuity a real global trend through the initiation of a Tweet-a-Thon that commences on Day One of BCAW 2013.’Tweet Off’ is at 10:30 GMT on 18th March.

What we need you to do:

  • Follow us @TheBCEye and retweet as many #BCAW2013 and #BusinessContinuitytweets as possible – we will be adding tweets throughout the week so make sure you stay on the page with us and help us to make BCAW a global trend.
  • Include #BCAW2013 and/or #BusinessContinuity in all your tweets up to and during BCAW 2013
  • Tweet or Retweet at 10:30 GMT or as close to this as you can get – best thing is to set a reminder in your Outlook Calendar to trigger your memory to start tweeting.
BCAW Webinars Monday, 18th March 2013 – DAY ONE
Not too late to register!
Six keys to effective reputational and IT risk management
Paul Pocock, IBM Business Continuity and Resiliency Consultant and Jason Sumner from the Economist Intelligence Unit
The effect of IT risks on corporate and brand reputation is real.  The question is what can you do to prevent and mitigate these risks. Join Paul and Jason as they discuss the management of reputation and risk as part of an overall IT strategy.March 18th; 12:00 pm GMT


Launch Event: BCI’s Good Practice Guidelines 2013
Lyndon Bird FBCI, Technical Director BCI and Editor-in-Chief of the Good Practice Guidelines and Deborah Higgins MBCI, Technical Learning Manager BCI and Assistant Editor
Be among the first to learn about the latest thinking in Business Continuity (BC) and benefit from the unique opportunity to put the questions to the editors that you have been itching to ask.

March 18th; 13:00 pm GMT


Horizon Scanning: Top Threats in 2013 and Key Trends
Lee Glendon CBCI, Head of Research and Advocacy BCI and Lorna Anderson, Global Business Continuity Product Technical Manager BSI
Is cyber-threat over-hyped? Which sectors are facing which threats? These and other questions will form the basis of this live debate that is based on the recently released BCI Research Report: Horizon Scan 2013 Survey Report that captures the views of 730 organizations from 62 countries.

March 18th;16:00 GMT


Success Stories in Resilience in Management
Dr Nader Mehravari MBCI, CERT Cyber Resilience Center, Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering
CERT Resilience Management Model (CERT-RMM) is the most modern and comprehensive framework for managing operational resilience in organizations of all sizes and types. This webinar shares some success stories of practical applications of CERT-RMM in a range of organizations, including US :Postal Service and industry giant Lockheed Martin.

March 18th;17:00 GMT


Check out the full webinar schedule here

Have you played the BC24 game yet?
Over 900 teams now competing! Are you one of them? Free access to this highly-acclaimed online crisis simulation game available until 22nd March – still time to enter your team and get to the top of the leader board!!  Highly competitive; great fun; fantastic exercising tool to test your staff’s BC skills.Start playing today here

See who’s at the top of the leader board here

PwC - 2013 Sponsor of BC24
BC24 sponsored by PwC
Do you know if there are any BCAW events taking place in your region?
Check out what’s happening on DAY ONE of BCAW near you
BCAW 2013 Event: Sydney 2000 to London 2012, risks from the past and risks of the future
Date: 18th March 2013; 15:30 to 19:00
Venue: Melbourne
Organised by: Continuity Forum in partnership with the Australasian BCI Chapter
For more information and to register click hereBusiness Continuity Awareness Week 2013 with Vocal

Join the Vocal team for Flexi-time iModus Notification Training
Sessions available at 10am GMT every morning from March 18th – 22nd.
Click here to book your place, then log on at 10am for the session of your choice next week.

Speak to a Panel of Experts on Vocal’s Daily Discussion Call
The panel will include Vocal’s Technical Director, Sales Support and Delivery Managers who will be on the conference bridge between 4pm and 4.30 pm everyday next week.
Email  Natalie Cooper to request the conference call details

Tweet your ‘Top Continuity Tips’ to Win Theatre Tickets
Simply follow Vocal  and tweet your entry at @vocalltd any time from March 18th – 22nd for a chance to win £100 in theatre ticket vouchers which can be redeemed in leading theatres across the UK!

Find out full details here>>

Check out the full events schedule here

BCAW News, New Releases, Updates
New Report Release“A Winning Combination” – The 3 Cs of Business Continuity: Contingency Planning, Continuity Capability and Crisis Response

A new report from the BCI highlights how contingency and continuity planning have enabled top horses to reach the famous Cheltenham Festival in spite of a difficult winter.

Read the full press release here
Download your copy of the report here

Norfolk Resilience Forum (NRF) to hold a Small Business Survival Week during BCAW 2013

We  are pleased to announce that the Norfolk Resilience Forum (NRF) will be holding  a “Small Business Survival Week” during Business Continuity Awareness Week  (BCAW) as part of its on-going awareness activities to promote business  continuity to the local business community.

Find out more >>

 Enter your BCI Regional Award and become an international BC star!
Click on the relevant logo to find out more
BCI Inaugural European AwardsBCI Middle East Awards 2013BCI Inaugural Australasian Awards
BCI India AwardsBCM World Conference
and Exhibition 2013
Call for Papers
Deadline for submissions:
28th March 2013
BCI Asia Awards 2013
Continuity Magazine Q12013 Read the latest edition hereBCI Global AwardsBCI Annual Lecture 2013FREE for BCI Members

Register Now

Visit the BCAW website for more information, ideas and resources
Follow us
 Business Continuity Awareness Group led by the BCI The BC Eye Blog@theBCEye

Umfangreiches Webinar-Programm im Rahmen der BCAW 2013

Im Rahmen der diesjährigen Business Continuity Awareness Week BCAW 2013 gibt es wieder ein umfangreiches und hochwertiges Angebot an kostenfreien Webinaren.

Die einzelnen Webinare sind auch im BCM-Kalender der BCM-News aufgenommen.

Hier eine Übersicht (zum Vergrößern Grafik anklicken):

Webinars BCAW 2013

Erfahrungsgemäß lässt sich der Client von Brighttalk zuverlässig hinter Firewalls nutzen. Die Beiträge stehen nach der Veranstaltung weiter online zum Abspielen zur Verfügung.

Die Anmeldung zu den Webinaren erfolgt auf der Seite der BCAW 2013. Dort gibt es auch das Programm als pdf-Download.

BCAW 2013: kostenloser E-Learning Kurs “The BCI Good Practice Guidelines”

Die Business Continuity Awareness Week findet vom 18. bis 22. März statt. Die ersten tollen Angebote finden sich bereist auf der Homepage der BCAW 2013 als auch auf der BCAW Groupsite. Mitglieder der BCM-News Groupsite erreichen die BCAW Groupsite durch einen Tastenklick auf “switch Groupsites” im Menü auf der oberen Seitenleiste. In der BCAW Groupsite gibt es auch das Poster mit dem diesjährigen Logo der BCAW 2013. Das BCI wird zur BCAW den neuen Good Practice Guideline 2013 vorstellen. Wir dürfen schon gespannt sein. Wer sich bis zum 28. Februar anmeldet, kann während der BCAW 2013 kostenfrei den E-Learning Kurs zum GPG des BCI besuchen. Hier geht´s zur Anmeldung.


Homepage der Business Continuity Awareness Week 2013 ist live

“Business Continuity for the risks you can see and the ones you can´t ist das Motto der diesjährigen Business Continuity Awareness Week 2013 vom 18. bis 23. März 2013. Auch in diesem Jahr wird es wieder ein sehr umfangreiches Programm für die Awareness-Bildung des BCM geben. Hierzu zählt ein hochkarätiges kostenfreies Programm an Webinaren, Downloads und Beiträgen. Ich freue mich schon auf diese spannenden und erkenntnisreichen Tage!

Der Beitrag der BCM-News für die BCAW 2013 in Deutschland ist die Aufnahme des BCAW2013-Logos zu den Premium-Sponsoren. Hier liegt der Case zwar gerade anders herum – BCM-News unterstützt die BCAW2013 – aber Sie sollen hierdurch einen schnellen Zugriff auf die Seiten der BCAW 2013 über die BCM-News erhalten. Und die Awareness für BCM liegt uns schließlich allen am Herzen.

Und damit Sie immer wissen, wie oft Sie noch schlafen müssen bis zur BCAW2013 gibt es jetzt einen Counter in der rechten Seitenleiste bei den Terminen.

Das Motto der Business Continuity Awareness Week 2013

“Business Continuity – for the risks you can see and the ones you can’t” ist das Motto der Business Continuity Awareness Week 2013. Diese weltweite virtuelle Veranstaltung zur Förderung der Awareness für das BCM findet vom 18. bis 22. März 2013 statt. Zahlreiche hochkarätige und kostenfreie Webinare informieren in dieser Zeit rund um das Thema Business Continuity Management. Für Unternehmen und Organisationen ist dies eine gute Gelegenheit parallel zu dieser Veranstaltung Awareness-Programme im eigenen Hause zu gestalten. Unterstützung gibt es hierfür zum Beispiel durch kostenlose Poster. Ein Termin, der unbedingt in den Terminkalender jedes BC Managers gehört.

Mehr Informationen gibt es in dieser Broschüre zur BCAW 2013. Das umfangreiche Programm der bCAW s012 finden Sie unter www.bcaw2012.com. In 2013 finden Sie alle Informationen unter www.bcaw2013.com.