BCM-News Daily Digest
- UK firms warned over possible Russian cyber-attacks amid Ukraine crisis | UK security and counter-terrorism | The Guardian
British firms have been urged to bolster their digital security over concerns of possible Russian cyber-attacks linked to the growing political crisis over the conflict in Ukraine
Der Krieg zwischen den Großmächten tobt bereits. Doch die Soldaten tragen keine Gewehre oder Panzerfäuste, sondern sitzen bequem hinter ihren Laptops. Ein Schlüsselziel des Cyber-Kriegs ist die Energieversorgung. Doch wie gut ist Deutschland darauf und drohende Blackouts vorbereitet?- Puerto Rico was hit by a major cyberattackSecurity Affairs
Puerto Rico's Senate announced that is was it by a cyberattack that shut down its internet provider, phone system and official online page
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