BCM-News Daily Digest
- Your Employees Stepped Up in a Crisis. What Happens When It's Over?
CEOs have been both astonished and inspired by the way people in their organizations have taken the challenges of the crisis in stride, exhibiting resourcefulness, dedication, and creativity. The new rank of heroes have some common characteristics, including a strong bias to action and a willingness to learn by doing - Cyber attacks and data breaches in review: June 2021
According to our figures, there were at least 7.8 million publicly disclosed data breaches and cyber attacks in June 2021. - Container-Chaos: Händler bereiten Kunden auf höhere Preise vor
Die beschädigten globalen Lieferketten, schätzt das IfW, dürften die deutsche Volkswirtschaft allein in diesem Jahr rund 25 Milliarden Euro kosten.
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