Business continuity planning needs to explicitly address expected rise in civil unrest: AGCS Damages, disturbances and, ultimately, losses fBrom riots, protests, vandalism or other forms of civil unrest are now among the main political risk exposures for companies, with the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic likely to drive further activity, according to the latest issue of Global Risk Dialogue from Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty (AGCS).
A Practical Approach to Cyber Resilience – The five-step process (Part 2 of 3) This is the second of a 3-blog series on Practical Cyber Resilience. In the first part, I covered the four key characteristics (or guiding principles) of cyber resilience. In this blog we will review the main objectives and 5-step Cyber Resilience Analysis methodology, as defined by the NIST Special Publication 800-160, Developing Cyber Resilient Systems.
Productive Paranoia and Business Continuity | Blog | Corporater To successfully achieve your ambition, Mr. Collins identified, among other things, three principles; "Fanatic Discipline," "Empirical Creativity," and "Productive Paranoia," I found the latter to be highly relevant in the present situation.
Havarie im Suezkanal: Wenn Riesenschiffe zum Systemrisiko werden – WELT Die Blockade des Suezkanals durch die Havarie der "Ever Given" trifft die Schifffahrt zum denkbar schlechtesten Zeitpunkt. Sie zeigt, wie immer größer werdende Containerfrachter den Umfang möglicher Schäden für die gesamte Transportkette steigern.
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