BCM-News Daily Digest
- Ebola: WHO deploys vaccines, emergency teams to control Congo oubreak – CNN
World Health Organization has deployed 4,000 doses of vaccine to the Democratic Republic of Congo - IBM Disaster Recovery and Emergency Management Trends in 2018 – Bridgeworks
When we talk of disasters, we find two terms associated with it. They are response and recovery. While the difference between a disaster and emergency depends on how we interpret the event, we generally respond to an emergency and take to recovery programs in the event of a disaster. Also, while emergency does not require us to ask for external assistance, a disaster requires us to take external assistance and work towards improving it. Emergency planning for any disaster involves a coordinated and planned approach towards tackling any disaster. It is moreover an exploratory process to deal with an unforeseen situation. - Massive DDoS attack hit the Danish state rail operator DSBSecurity Affairs
The Danish state rail operator DSB was hit by a massive DDoS cyber attack that paralyzed some operations, including ticketing systems and the communication infrastructure. - Eiopa testet Versicherer auf Cyberrisiken | Versicherungswirtschaft-heute
- Die Business Continuity Awareness Week ist gestartet » Business Continuity Management News
Auch in diesem Jahr soll die einwöchige Awareness-Veranstaltung "Business Continuity Awareness Week – BCAW" des Business Continuity Institute (BCI) helfen, auf BCM aufmerksam zu machen und Fachkenntnisse zu teilen. Hierzu bietet das BCI auf seiner BCAW-Webseite auch dieses Jahr wieder kostenfrei Werbematerial wie diverse Poster und digitale Banner für Mail und Social Media an.
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