Today’s Digest 15. January 2013

News von Heute

  • Homemade survival kits battle the flu
    The early flu season has spiked a fury of “germaphobia” across the United States as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned that the flu has reached epidemic levels. Widespread activity is projected to continue.
  • Report from the field: business continuity planning with ISO 22301
    As we set off into the New Year with publication of both ISO 22301, the requirements for Societal Security – Business Continuity Management Systems (May 2012) and ISO 22313, its supporting Guidance (December 2012), what is the feedback on the new Standards to date? It is still early days and accredited certifications are only just coming on-line
  • Hurrikan 'Sandy' trifft Versicherer Allianz hart – Gewinnziel steht trotzdem
    Hurrikan ‘Sandy’ kommt Europas größten Versicherer Allianz teuer zu stehen. Insgesamt dürfte sich die Belastung auf 590 Millionen US-Dollar (455 Mio Euro) belaufen, teilte der Dax-Konzern am Dienstag in München mit.
  • Influenza: Our Incompetent Enemy
    It’s not easy to push the explosive terror of norovirus out of the public square. It takes another virus that’s even more worrying and even more adept at spreading suffering around the world.I speak, of course, of influenza.
  • NetWars Cyber City Project Near Completion
    Very soon (est. March 2013) construction on the NetWars Cyber City project will be completed. NetWars Cyber City is a small-scale city located close by the New Jersey Turnpike complete with a bank, hospital, water tower, train system, electric power grid, …
  • Cyber Attacks and Critical Infrastructure Protection
    If your company is classified as a critical infrastructure facility, and, your disaster preparedness team is looking for updates on the status of cyber attack threats against industrial control systems, our staff recommends adding a copy of a recent report entitled “Malware Infections in the Control Environment …
  • Meet Red October: The Global Cyber-Espionage Ring That Spent 5 Years in the Shadows
    There are plenty of cyberweapons floating around out there, like Stuxnet, Flame, and that whole gang. Now, Kapersky has turned up a cyber-espoinage operation its dubbed “Red October,” and it’s up there in the big leagues. But unlike its cohorts, it doesn’t look state-sponsored.
  • Zugriffswellen auf die BCM-News
    Die schönen wellenförmigen Zugriffszahlen auf die BCM-News haben schon fast beruhigende Wirkung beim Anschauen. Der Trend wiederholt sich über den Tages-, Monats- und Jahresverlauf. Schön sind auch wie in dieser Grafik die Wochenenden und Urlaubszeiten zu erkennen. Auch das Wetter lässt sich im Nachhinein ablesen: Schönwetter-Wochenenden sind ruhiger als bei Schlechtwetter. Ausnahmsweise ist mir vor […]
  • Today’s Digest 14. January 2013
    News von Heute 'Red October' cyber-attack found A ‘significant’ cyber-attack that may have been stealing confidential documents since 2007 has been discovered by Russian researchers. Influenza: Grippe-Welle erwischt Deutschland ungewöhnlich früh In den USA verläuft die Grippesaison besonders schwer. Auch hierzulande ist die Influenza-Welle bereits angekommen. Wie heftig sie wird, ist unklar. Aber: Eine Impfung […]

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