Today’s Digest 20. November 2012

News von Heute

  • Cyberangriffe im Gaza-Konflikt: Kampf auf dem digitalen Schlachtfeld
    Israel und die Hamas beschießen sich nicht nur mit Raketen, sondern greifen einander auch im Internet an: Mit Sabotage-Aktionen dehnen die Parteien die psychologische Kriegsführung ins Digitale aus, doch sie sind dabei nicht mehr unter sich. Akteure wie Anonymous beteiligen sich inzwischen am Online-Schlagabtausch.
  • BBC News – New coronavirus: May be ‘bat bug’
    Bats may be the source of a new Sars-like virus which killed a man in Saudi Arabia, according to an analysis of the coronavirus’ genome.
  • Crisis Communications: An Organizational Balancing Act | Avalution Perspectives
    For an organization experiencing a crisis, the ever-persistent nature of our 24/7 global society means that impacts extend well beyond the location of the crisis. Organizations that successfully manage and respond to disruptive events do so because they are able to balance the operational activities associated with the disruptive event while concurrently managing the expectations of stakeholders and the general public. Organizations are able to accomplish the task of managing stakeholder and public expectations through effective, accurate, and timely communications.
  • Einbruch in Schäubles Privathaus – Handy geklaut –
    Unbekannte sind in das Privathaus von Finanzminister Wolfgang Schäuble eingebrochen. Sie stahlen persönliche Gegenstände und ein Handy. Für das Haus gibt es auf Wunsch von Schäuble keine Bewachung.
  • Hurricane Sandy leaves wounded servers in its wake
    Apparently disregarding weather forecasters’ widespread warnings and underestimating the power of the storm that hit the East Coast late last month, many businesses didn’t begin moving computer and IT communications equipment out of harm’s way until it was too late, say officials at companies that specialize in data recovery.
  • Rental Cars Are In Short Supply This Thanksgiving, Thanks To Sandy
    If you’re planning to rent a car for the Thanksgiving drive to grandma’s house but haven’t yet secured your vehicle, you should shift your search into high gear. News reports indicate that many rental car lots in the northeastern U.S. are sitting empty this holiday season, due to Hu…
  • Surviving Sandy: A Bank’s Story – BankInfoSecurity
    Battered by Superstorm Sandy, North Jersey Community Bank maintained operations and customer communications during the storm. CEO Frank Sorrentino discusses the key elements of business continuity.Battered by Superstorm Sandy, North Jersey Community Bank maintained operations and customer communications during the storm. CEO Frank Sorrentino discusses the key elements of business continuity.
  • What the U.S. Can Learn from the Christchurch Earthquake
    Learning from experience, including that of other countries, is an important element of our knowledge about earthquakes and other disasters that affect major urban areas. The United States can learn from a recent report that assessed the response to the damaging earthquake that affected Christchurch and the surrounding Canterbury Region in New Zealand in February 2011.
  • Today’s Digest 19. November 2012
    News von Heute Gefährliche Krankheitsüberträger: Asiatische Buschmücke breitet sich in Deutschland aus Weil sich die Umweltbedingungen durch den Klimawandel verändern, werden immer mehr Mückenarten in Deutschland heimisch. Viele dieser Insekten können gefährliche Krankheiten übertragen Arzneimittel-Engpässe: Das fahrlässige Geschäft mit knappen Pillen | Wissen | ZEIT ONLINE Deutschen Kliniken gehen lebenswichtige Arzneien aus, weil Hersteller im […]

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