Zusammenfassung des CDC media call vom 26.04.09

Am 26.4. 21:20 deutscher Zeit war ein media call mit dem CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) USA zur aktuellen Situation der Schweinegrippe in den USA. Hier die wichtigsten Punkte aus dem media call:

  • 20 confirmed cases in US in 5 states. We expect additional states. 1 patient of all 20 cases hospitalized; all recovered
  • Swine flu is being transmitted person-to-person.
  • Travel recommendations will be updated regularly. Keep an eye on it.
  • We cannot stop this infection at the border. We don’t think we can contain where the virus is.
  • Washing hands and staying home when you are ill are very important!
  • Still NO restriction on flights…
  • Why more prevalent among younger people? Premature to understand the factors.
  • Working on hospital diagnostic and treatment guidelines; some may be out there and look for local recommendations.
  • If a more virulent strain appears, it still takes several months to prepare a new vaccine.
  • Spreading “person to person to person.”
  • Of 20 infected in US, unknown how many have travelled to Mexico.
  • Symptoms to watch out for: high fever, cough, muscle aches, vomitting, diarrhea
  • CDC is NOT conducting screenings at US airports.
  • 2 patients in Kansas, husband and wife, one travelled to Mexico. No info on broader transmission in Kansas.
  • Age distribution from Mexico: many are in their 20s, 30s, and 40s – but a lot of gaps in info. Some may not be swineflu
  • Looking at new vaccine technologies — still would take several months to produce.

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